June 30 Crossing America

Posted by on Jul 1, 2011 in Crossing America | 2 Comments

Nickerson, KS – Larned KS distance 59 miles, rode 47 on my bike.
Total distance traveled 2,035, on my bike 1,736 miles.

Slept well in the air-conditioned Senior Center and was up made oatmeal and ready to ride by 6:30 AM.  The weather forecast for today is near record temperatures between107-109 so figured I needed to get a good start to finish riding before the midday high arrived. Then I went outside to discover we had a SSW wind blowing at 20-25 mph equals climbing the Appalachians but without the break of a nice downhill run, this is going to be
a fun day.

At the 20 mile water break I was still feeling strong and had managed to maintain a 12.2
mph average decided it would be best to keep my break short so downed a 24 oz. bottle of water, filled my water bottle and hydration pack and took off.  Wham! At 25 miles I began filling the heat as it was already above a 100 degrees and wishing I were closer to the next water break which would be about the 40 mile point.   I finally made it to the second water break, my butt dragging.  Made a PBJ sandwich, ate some chips for the salt and ate a banana, drank 30 ounces of Gatorade to replenish my spent fuel.  Unfortunately, it didn’t help the next 7 miles I was could barely keep my bike moving forward, did a lot of
wobbling so much so I would cross the center line.  A truck coming up behind me laid on his horn to get my attention in order to pass me safely.   I decided it was time to call it a day.

This is the first day I’ve actually considered perhaps I have taken on a challenge greater
than I can successfully achieve.  There is no doubt I’m the slowest rider of the group, my guess the next slowest person still manages to average 2-3 mph above my average.  Today it has been one month on the road and I feel weaker and slower while the other riders all seem to be stronger and faster.  I’d like to use age as an excuse but that won’t fly as Mark is 5 months older than me.   It’s my weight, it takes a hell of a lot more energy to get my but up hills than the other folks in the crew.  Tomorrow we are going 95 miles, same scenario as today, don’t know how I’m going to be able to handle that distance.   I visited with Pepper regards to I may have to do more riding in the van than on the bicycle.  He’s being very supportive of my having to do what I have to do to make it through.  He also advised me today and the next two days if we have headwinds will be the most difficult of the entire ride.  If I can hang in there, the western portion of our ride is the most beautiful.

My dream to ride across America is becoming more of a nightmare.  I suck at climbing hills and have no mistake about it our Country has many, many hills or at least the Trans Am route does.  Throw in Mother Nature’s storms and strong winds to contend with and I have to agree with Dr. Esch that I need a psychiatrist.  What was I thinking, I’m
65 and fat it sucks!  Candice maybe you should schedule me a session or two when I get home?


  1. ted moore
    July 5, 2011

    Oh my gosh, what am I suppose to say to that. It is late at night on the fourth of July. We just came home from Lake Stockton. Most vigorous thing we did was a nice kayak trek. You need to do just what you can, Frank. You may be fat, but you are fit. You also have the heart of a lion. Even a skunk wouldn’t get you down. We are behind you. That is your session for tonight. Candice

    • admin
      July 5, 2011

      Thanks, that made me feel good. Love u guys!


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