June 2 Crossing America

Posted by on Jun 7, 2011 in Crossing America | One Comment

Glendale, VA – Mineral, VA, 78 miles.
Day 2 Brutal!  Not that the riding was difficult but because I’m starving which caused me to bonk about 50 miles into ride.  I was able to finish but had to keep thinking of all the folks who believe in me and have been so supportive, you are my motivation.

Rule # 1 Don’t starve a fat guy.  I started the day making myself a double helping of instant oatmeal and Pop-Tarts.  I still couldn’t bring myself to eat Pop-Tarts.  Couldn’t do it when I was working with the Scouts either. Gave one to Ethan, nibble on the other before throwing in the trash, where all Pop-Tarts rightfully belong.   A couple miles into the ride found a convenience store where was able to purchase a bottle of Gatorade and a banana.  That was the extent of food until 4:30 when I bonked.   Finally came upon an open convenience store and purchased a mystery sandwich, don’t know what it was but between it and an orange was able to finish the ride.  In the next few days I hope to figure out how to get enough food to nourish this old fat guy’s body or I may have to remove the “fat” from old guy.

I wasn’t the only one to bonk as Pepper the leader of our group said there were a number of riders in the same predicament today. He must be telling the truth as there were at least 5 riders who finished after me.

This second day was to be an easy 78 miles with only a few minor hills, right maybe for someone in their twenty’s.  One of the hills was steep enough that when I missed shifting down into my small chain ring I couldn’t push down on the pedals hard enough to turn the crank.  I did manage to dismount before falling over like a circus clown.  Thus had to walk up the hill, an older gal came along in her car and told me not to feel bad she lives there and rides a bike but always has to walk up this hill.  Of course she looked to be eighty so it was little constellation to my wounded ego.

Tonight we are camping out behind a fire station.  There were showers in the firehouse which was most welcome after two full days of riding, one of few luxuries we’re able to enjoy occassionally.

Sorry, nothing more exciting to report about the scenery so far as it’s much like rural Missouri.  No big mishaps or regrets either.  I am finally learning the names of the other 16 riders and 4 crew leaders.

Virginia has Trans-Am Route Signs

1 Comment

  1. Jeanne Payne
    June 8, 2011

    Frank, I am laughing out loud as I read this. I hope you write a book of your adventure. My worry is you will make yourself sick. Pop tarts suck and as for “Mystery Sandwich” don’t ask, don’t tell. Take care


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