July 28 Crossing America

Posted by on Jul 28, 2011 in Crossing America | 12 Comments

Carson City, NV – Silver Lake Campground, CA Distance 70 miles, I didn’t ride. Total distance traveled through today 3,696, rode on my bike 3,030.

Kind of nice I slept till 5:40 this morning, got dressed in my non-riding close, broke camp
and went for a leisurely breakfast at Denny’s restaurant across from the campground.  Though it’s a bit painful to walk and I have a sore neck I’m alive and well otherwise that makes it a good day.

I rode with Bridget in my mini-van to tonight’s campground at Silver Lake in a National
Forest just over the Carson Pass at an elevation of 8,573’.  The climb was not all that steep but long over 20 miles long.  Bridget and I discussed climbing passes we both agree they are more monotonous then strenuous to climb.  I have mixed emotions about not riding today; I wanted to do it just to prove that I could but I don’t think it would have been worth jeopardizing the rest of my Crossing America adventure.  Stage two and three I’ll be
riding another 2,500 miles plus the 200 or so miles left of stage one.

Not much else to report today but I will take this time to opportunity to report on how the
organization and logistics of this crossing is doing.  First, I truly believe Pepper is the key to future crossing done by the Bike the US for MS organization.  He’s been taking extensive notes as to what can be done better.  Such as 19 days riding without a break is too hard on everyone, including those under age 30 not just us old geezers.  I told him I
totally agree with that assumption.  In addition he and Amanda have been doing an excellent job of communicating with us as to what will be happening each day, that wasn’t being done before.  It appears the crew leaders are trying to confirm each night’s stay sooner then later. Today was a good example why, Bridget and I left at eight this morning and drove directly to the campground after driving all around it we did not find two suitable campsites for our group.  Finally the campground host drove past us in his golf cart and we told him of our need.  He suggested campsite 51 folks had just left and it used to be a double campsite which could easily accommodate our group size.  Then as luck would have it the folks in campsite 50 planned to move to another campsite allowing us to have two campsites in order to stay within the restrictions for how many tents can
be placed at a campsite.  Lesson we learned, campsites in this national forest as well as other fill up on the weekends.   Tomorrow begins the weekend.  It is allowable and folks do it is to arrive a day early and reserve the campsite for the night before they really need it to guarantee they have a place to camp on the weekend.  Yes, it would require extra effort and gas to have someone drive a day in advance of a planned overnight but if the stay is going to be on a weekend it just might be prudent to expend the effort and cost to assure the group has a place to stay.  Today we were lucky, next time we might not be so lucky?

Crew leaders if you are still reading my journal please know I think all four of you are
really good guys and gals and are doing your best to make this adventure fun.  That said you need to take notes, like Pepper is doing, as to what works and what doesn’t.  What complaints and compliments you hear or in my case read about to help you better formulate your logistics for the future.  In fact, you will find in my journal several contacts we have made this year which will help you next year do a better job.  Please know I don’t
dislike you, on the contrary I like you all and would be proud of you just as I would were you my sons and daughters.


  1. Barbara Ann
    August 3, 2011

    I am glad you survived your “hit and run”. We prefer you stay on this side of the grass. You should be done with Phase I of your adventure by now. Hopefully, Phase II will be less stressful. We missed you on RAGBRAI this year! Hang in there….I know you can do whatever you put your mind to.

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi Barbara Ann! Yes, done with stage one heading onto stage two tomorrow. Needed an extra day of R&R. How was RAGBRAI? Thank you for the vote of confidence. I’m definitely keeping stage two laid back and easy going.

  2. Dennis Harkins
    August 2, 2011

    Frank, glad to see that you are o.k. This is further proof that Crystal Lake Community High School “Tigers” have hard heads. Take care, Denny

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi Denny, That’s a good one. I agree with the fact I have a hard head and was ready to leave the ER instead of waiting. A couple days later I was catching a news broadcast and a story of a gal who had received a head injury didn’t think she was hurt, the next morning her friends found her dead. So I understand why had to have the CAT scan. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  3. Sandy
    August 1, 2011

    Frank, glad to hear that you are ok. People on the road can be very unthoughtful.
    Did I understand that part of the trip you will be by yourself, should not happen.

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi Sandy, Me too. The guy in the motorhome didn’t even slow down. Yes, I will be on my own soon but hopefully not for long. Several of my friends on the west coast are volunteering to SAG for me. Take care of yourself.

  4. JIm Boss
    August 1, 2011

    I’m so happy for you. Making a lifelong dream become a reality for you and your cause, MS. It speaks volumes . Keep on pedaling and I hope to see you in Florida.

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi Jim, Thank you, I very much appreciate the kind words of support. Be sure to forward me your phone number at my regular email address mofrank@frankscenterinc.com it will be fun to visit you.

  5. George E. Veugeler
    August 1, 2011

    Glad to see you are okay. My thought was like the Odell’s. Didn’t the people see that they knocked you down? Just left the scene? Keep on moving. Almost there.

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi George, Thank you, its hard to hurt a hard head like mine. Nope, they didn’t even slow down actually sped up probably so no one would get their license plate number. Made it to San Francisco. In Seattle now, leave for the San Juan Islands in the morning. Will be counting on Denny, Dale and Joyce to help me get safely down the west coast.

  6. larry covington
    July 28, 2011

    Also, Frank I have the Editor’s number in Marshall Missouri and She was interested in doing a story. I will give you her number and next year M.S. can contact her foor an interview if they want one.

    • admin
      August 5, 2011

      Hi Larry, Don’t forget to give me the editor’s name and number. I’ll pass it along to the Bike the US for MS guys for future.


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