July 13 Crossing America

Posted by on Jul 15, 2011 in Crossing America | 2 Comments

Delores, CO –  Blanding Utah  Distance 84 miles and I rode them all
Total distance traveled through today 2,723 miles, on my bike 2,291.

Its official miracles do happen.  I have managed to live to age 65.  For years I didn’t think I’d make it to 35.  At our 45th high school reunion last fall several of my classmates were amazed I was still alive, too.  The day was extra special with all the birthday wishes I received on this website, Facebook and by email.  Thank you one and all for making me feel so special.

My day began well as I went to the Ponderosa restaurant, not the chain it was a locally owned one, and had good food and great conversation with the waitress, cook and two patrons.  We discussed my ride, road conditions and life in general.  As previously stated
this is the journey I seek with my crossing America.   Set off on my bike at 6:50 AM.  today’s destination Blanding Utah a mere 84 miles down the road or up whichever
doesn’t matter it puts us that much closer to San Francisco.  Just outside of Delores I had to climb a rather steep hill to get my heart pumping, I raced a 3” lizard and it won the first 50’ up the hill.  Stinkin lizard probably on some performance enhancing steroids.

The view of the reservoir from the top of the hill was an emerald green and I fantasized jumping off the cliff into the water for a swim the water looked so inviting.  But alias
age has given me wisdom to not do something as crazy or stupid.  Besides I have a lot of miles to ride today and I want to get them done early as possible in order enjoy writing in this journal and answering the many messages received today.

The hills were rolling at first but as the day progressed they became a little steeper but doable without undue exertion.  Well that is until Monticello, UT when we turned into a 20 mph headwind and 9 miles of pretty steep hills.  Twice I got off my bike and walked just to
relieve the pressure on my right foot, the one with the hammer toe and the saddle sore which doesn’t seem to want to go away.  You would think by 2,200 miles I’d have callouses on my butt.  Even sitting in a regular chair I can still feel the pressure on my butt probably have a permanent indention the shape of the saddle.

We are staying in a campground tonight, a good one by the standards we’ve grown  accustom too on this crossing.  We nice thick green grass to set our tents on, clean showers and toilets.  Would you believe it a laundry just across the road as well as a grocery where I was able to replenish my fruit supply; bananas, oranges and blackberries. I’m still
amazed how much my body graves fresh fruit.  After doing laundry and grocery shopping 5 of us old geezers went to a local steak house for dinner.  The four surprised me by paying for my dinner a double order of Brown Trout which was delicious.  By the time we got back to the campground it was time for bed.   First I wanted to check in with Ms. Vickie as we are not going to have internet or phone service the next few days.   As I was talking on the phone Chet, Ike and Trish were standing about 20’ in front of me doing some kind of crazy Morse code with their headlamps.  Surprise on me, they were distracting me while the rest of the crew snuck up behind me and showered me with Silly String totally covering me with the stuff.  Then they sang Happy Birthday and we had donuts for a cake.  It was really nice of them and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Between all the birthday wishes I received from folks and this last surprise made my day perfect.


  1. John Wuertz
    July 15, 2011

    Happy Birthdday Frank.

    • admin
      July 17, 2011

      Thank you John. Has RAGBRAI begun?


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