July 1 Crossing America

Posted by on Jul 1, 2011 in Crossing America | 13 Comments

Larned, KS – Ness City, KS Distance 65 miles, miles I rode on bike 58
Total miles traveled through today 2,100 miles, miles I’ve ridden on my bike 1,794.

Winds of Kansas bid us farewell

Last night at a crew meeting it was decided we’d all leave early this morning to get as many miles in before the heat of the day.  It was also discussed if any rider felt they couldn’t complete the distance it would be alright to ride in the van, do what we can but accept our limitations.  I think Pepper was thinking of me specifically, there is no doubt I’m the weakest member of our crew.  I don’t ever remember being in this position before, if I were in combat, I’d shoot me to keep from endangering the rest of the unit.

I awoke at 4:30, packed my things, ate a Subway Sunrise Breakfast sandwich I purchased
last night while I was loading my journal onto the website.  By the way, it’s a very tasty and feeling sandwich.  Washed the sandwich down with orange juice and was ready to ride by 5:25.   Not good I discovered 8 riders have already left and the rest are getting close to leaving.  I don’t know how I’m going to keep within a reasonable distance of them.

Arron didn’t have a tail light for his bike and as it was still semi-dark asked if he could
ride with me until daylight which I gladly agreed too.  Then after I thought about it, that wouldn’t be fair to Arron as he is the strongest rider of us old geezers.  Thus I stopped and gave him one of my tail lights, I have two on my bike and one on me.   He was very appreciative and in exchange said he’d break the wind (he’d ride in front of me and I’d stay within a foot or two of us rear wheel) for me for the first 5 miles until he got warmed up.
I thanked him and we were off.  If you ever doubted the energy savings of doing a pace line (two or more riders riding in single file) I can attest to the fact it does work even with just two people.  When Arron and I split my speed dropped 2 mph immediately and I had to work harder to maintain this new slower speed.  I could tell I was causing Arron to work much too hard pulling me along with him and that just wasn’t right.   Therefore after the five miles he said he’d do and appeared willing to keep on doing, I made an excuse I’d just pulled a muscle and had to stop.  He was going to stop with me but I told him to go on.  If
you read my journal Arron, thank you for your selfless sacrifice to help this Old Guy get down the road it was very kind of you.

Caught a break at the 12 mile turn we turned north for 19 miles which made for a fast
and easy riding.  That said the 6 riders who left behind me caught up and passed me by the time I got to 20 miles, which means I was now bringing up the rear.  At 32 miles we had our first water break, kept it short in order to get back in front of the six riders.  That worked for about five miles when I was passed by all.  We were now fighting a pretty strong cross wind and my speed dropped to 8-10 mph but surprised myself as I was dealing with it much better than yesterday.  The short day probably gave me a chance to recover from the hard miles of the two prior days.

At 50 miles out, I saw Pepper in the big van coming toward me and figured I knew why.  I pulled over and immediately asked, “I’m last right”?  He replied yes and then asked how I felt.  Told him my speed was down to 8-10 but still felt strong and I’d like to at least continue onto Ness City.  Pepper said that was cool and I had till 8 or 9 tonight to complete my ride.   I could keep going and call him if I needed a ride.  I appreciated that offer as I really do want to ride across America as much my body will allow.

Shortly after Pepper left, the wind picked up even more or at the least coming more out of
the west creating more of a headwind.   Still I was doing OK but my speed now dropped to 5 ½ – 8 mph.  A new challenge added into the mix, trucks coming from the opposite direction would create a wind inversion throwing my bike and me around like a feather.  Several times I almost lost control and barely avoided being thrown onto the side of
the road.  My greatest fear though was that I’d be sucked back into the center of the road where I would become a grease spot by a truck traveling in the same direction as me.  I didn’t much care for this new challenge to continuing my ride.  When Pepper and I
were talking I asked him, “How far ahead of me were the other riders?  Pepper advised me all of them had already made it past the second water break.  I’m thinking the second water break was in Ness City about 14 miles further up the road.  Given the wind conditions and how far behind I was to the entire crew and the slow speed I was making, after traveling another 6 miles I decided to call Pepper and have someone pick me up.  I continued riding and managed to log 58 miles for the day before Amanda arrived.   I felt devastated to again fail to complete the mileage and shared this with Amanda.  She said everyone except Mark are in Ness City at a café’.  Mark had a flat and was repairing it and she was going to stop to pick him up after me if he needed as he was still a mile or so from Ness City.  Then Amanda totally surprised me when she said we were going to call it a day in Ness City as the wind was too strong making it dangerous to continue riding.   I almost asked her to stop the van and let me ride into Ness City but then thought better of it.  I told
myself, “Be quiet and take the ride Old Guy, there is always tomorrow”.  Tomorrow was to be a 70 mile ride but now it will be over a 100 miles.  The weather forecast is for the wind to turn around and blow from the east too, which will mean much faster and easier going if the forecast proves correct.  I can live with that.  Maybe if we all say a prayer we’ll get the
tailwind tomorrow?

Kansas Cadillac photo Arron Goldenberg


  1. Diane
    July 1, 2011

    You’re too hard on yourself. Look at what you have accomplished! Instead of beating up yourself over the 306 insignificant miles you have not ridden, look at the 1794 you have. BE PROUD!! Everyone is proud of you and admires you so very much. Snap out of it!! Take the breaks you need to be healthy and keep going!!! Do not give up on your dream.

    • Diane
      July 2, 2011

      Besides . . . Look at you! You have raised more the $10,000 for a worthy cause. You’re the man!!!

      The July route seems a little less challenging, weather and hills permitting. Ride at your own pace knowing that everyone understands. We are pulling for you each mile and thank you for your inspiration, dedication and determination to fulfill your lifelong dream while supporting MS victims everywhere.

      Take so much pride in what you have accomplished so far. Your R&R on the 5th is just around the corner. (Easy for me to say as I sit in AC typing this reply!!!) Focus on that over the next few days.

      • Diane
        July 2, 2011

        One last thing and I will stop with the lecturing.

        If your blog about what you are eating is all encompassing, you know your diet is inhibiting your optimal performance. You’re an athlete! This is diet 1.01 for you. You need more protein, less of the bad fat and less sugar. If you are more careful about what and how much you eat, you will feel better both in the saddle and out of it!!!

        Now go eat a big steak or a wonderful rainbow trout with lots of green veggies on the side!

        • admin
          July 2, 2011

          Hi Diane, I would love a great steak or any seafood but so the choices have terrible at best. I am eating lots of fruit does that count? Glad u r reading my journal

      • admin
        July 2, 2011

        Raising money has been my ace in hole. I’m hanging in there day by day. I have taken to riding in van due to big miles we’re riding; 99, 91, 65, & 133 today. Able to write you now as I refused to do last 28 miles in rain & high winds. Thank you for reading my journal I was worried something wrong. What did you think of my Jun 22 Chicken man, Jun 25 good ole boy& ESP. My short visit home the 25th and 26th?

        • Diane
          July 3, 2011

          Chicken man dream? I cannot make any sense of it except perhaps it was a bizarre culmination of your difficult June.

          Good ole boy & ESP? That’s the stuff a TV movie of the week is made of! You won’t need to refer to your journal to remember that story!

          Short trip home? Glad you were able to get away but sorry things did not work out quite the way you had hoped.

          Eating lots of fruit OK? Well, fruit is always good but your body needs more fuel than that. It’s unfortunate better food is not available to you.

    • admin
      July 2, 2011

      Thank you for the pep talk. I have begun to use the van to preserve my body for the long haul. You and others who believe in me are very much apart of my accomplishing my dream.

  2. Jack Odell
    July 1, 2011

    Way to go Frank! Great stories – your journal should be published and put in the inspirational section of all public libraries. Glad you are feeling better after the stomach issues.

    • admin
      July 2, 2011

      Hi Jack, Happy to hear you are enjoying my journal. It does make me feel good as one of my ambitions is to be a short story writer and motivational speaker.

      • Jack Odell
        July 3, 2011

        You ought to take your story NPR’s “This American Life” and “the Moth” ( themoth.org) . Happy 4th of July.

        • admin
          July 3, 2011

          Hi Jack, Thank you for the tips on where to take my stories. I’ve made a note to look into it when my adventure is over. Also, I looked on the Bike the US for MS website and saw you had made a donation, thank you for that tooas it is very kind of you. We will have to get together when I’m in Florida!

          • Jack Odell
            July 3, 2011

            Perhaps I might be in good enough shape to ride a leg with you. I’ve been riding everyday partially because of your inspiration. Connie and I will buy you a steak and you’re welcome to stay at our place if you come through Savannah, GA.

          • admin
            July 4, 2011

            I’m quite sure you would be in good enough shape to ride with me and I’d enjoy your company. Steak sounds mighty good, I’ll do my best to make your place a stop over.

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