June 27 Crossing America

Posted by on Jun 30, 2011 in Crossing America | No Comments

Pittsburg, KS – Chanute, KS Distance 57 miles, I rode 42
Distance traveled through today 1,785 miles, miles rode on bike 1,498

By morning I was dry heaving until I thought I was going to throw up my insides.  That’s when whatever I had caught decided to attack my other end causing me to run to the toilet every few minutes.   It wasn’t until 8:30 before I had ran out of fluids to expel from either
end.  After cleaning up, I decided to try and ride.  All the riders were already on the road and we caught up with George who was driving my mini-van today just as he was leaving town.  Since I’m the slowest rider by far I decided it would be crazy to try and start where we met George thus I had Ms. Vickie drive me about 15 miles along the route before we
got ahead of the pack.  I gave Vickie a quick hug good bye but not a kiss as she didn’t want to risk catching whatever I had.  Not much of a two day meeting after two months of being separated from each other.  This is the longest in almost 39 years of marriage we’ve been apart.  Ms. Vickie must really be missing me as she had snuck a half dozen cards in my computer bag for me to open on specific dates down the road, such as my birthday and our
anniversary.  Both happen while I’m still on the road.  Our anniversary is the same date as her birthday so I’ll miss that too.  I guess I owe you big time for your sacrifices Ms. Vickie.

I hadn’t gone two miles when I was already regretting having decided to ride today.  I had a strong urge of needing a bowel movement.  Thankfully, the saddle of my bike keeps everything tucked up and in.  Soon as I dismounted at the first water break I had to make a fast break for the nearest toilet.  My stomach cramps tormented me all day especially after eating.

Wilson County MS Support group fed us Speaking of eating when we arrived in Chanute the Wilson County MS Support group was at the Park we were camping with a lunch for us. They even served us hotdogs on the grill for dinner later on. I’m totally amazed at the hospitality of folks we meet on this trek. As Pepper has mentioned several times along the way for everything we give to defeat MS we get back tenfold with kindness from folks along the way. It warms my heart to feel and know folks care about each other as we make this journey across America. We are a good people here in America if only some of those hostile to our Country would know this truth maybe then there would be peace and love for one another. God help our enemies know we as a people are not evil as they think.Crew on locamotive Chanute City Park

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